For U2 Players / Families:
- Urbana United Fall 2018 Fundraiser Flyer
- Support the club and look fantastic! Order by 11/26 for delivery by the holidays!
- Heads-Up! Concussion fliers
- Player safety is our #1 concern. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with some of the things we’re always on the lookout for. And if you ever have a concern about health/safety, please talk to a coach!
- U2 Board Application
- Are you interested in becoming a U2 Board member? Please fill out this form and let us know how you might be able to contribute to the club and its future.
- Birth-Year Age Groups
- US Soccer now requires team grouping by birth year. This table shows which age group is appropriate for the players.
U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 2024-25
SeasonBorn in 2015 Born in 2014 Born in 2013 Born in 2012 Born in 2011 Born in 2010 Born in 2009 Born in 2008 2025-26
SeasonBorn in 2016 Born in 2015 Born in 2014 Born in 2013 Born in 2012 Born in 2011 Born in 2010 Born in 2009 2026-27
SeasonBorn in 2017 Born in 2016 Born in 2015 Born in 2014 Born in 2013 Born in 2012 Born in 2011 Born in 2010
For Players:
- Training / Skills Videos
- Registration / IYSA Medical Form / U2 Code of Conduct
- U2 requires this updated and submitted each year. Once completed please email it to
- PayPal for fees
- Are you a United player and need to pay for registration or uniform fees? Use this link to make your payment and save Coach Tony a trip to the bank!
For Coaches:
- U2 Coaching Interest Form
- Are you interested in becoming a U2 coach? Fill out this form and we can help you get started with the steps you need to take to start this rewarding position!
- U2 Coaches Code of Conduct
- U2 requires this be reviewed and submitted each year.
- IYSA Forms
- Head over here to find Waivers, Policy info, Incident Reports.
- Coaching License Info
- US Soccer Digital Coaching Center (DCC)
- CDC Concussion Awareness Training (Heads-Up!)
- IYSA Background Check
- Safe Sport Abuse Prevention Training (US Soccer Access Code: YC3E-6P5G-YYIL-CS2M)
- PayPal for costs
- Are you a coach and need to contribute to ref or facility costs? Use this link to get this checked off the to-do list!
If you know of a resource that would be helpful to have linked here, please let us know!