Registration & Costs

Our registration fee is about $350 per school year (or $175 per semester) and covers field rentals, referees, insurance, tournament entry fees, and scholarships for those who cannot afford to play.

The one-time uniform purchase fee is about $45 (as players grow, of course, a new uniform might need to be purchased at some point).

In the winter, United teams play at Soccer Planet; the only cost there is what you pay Soccer Planet, about $80 per session. The winter sessions are NOT mandatory, but they are highly recommended.

Already on the team and need to pay your registration fee? If you know the amount, head over to the Online Payment page and take care of it with a few clicks!

Comparing our annual costs to other local options:

Typical ClubUrbana UnitedDescription/Comment
Annual Club Reg$1,200+$300-$350Typical club gets you 10-12 more matches, a few more tournaments and 40+ more practices (if you attend them all), but if kids also play park district matches and practices, there is less of a difference
Park District RegN/A$80U2 is “park district-plus”; we encourage participation there
Uniform Fees$130$45-$60Typical club offers practice jerseys; U2 might soon as well (hence the possible extra $15)
Travel/hotel costs$400nothing; gas money onlyFor typical travel club, conservatively figuring two nights each semester for hotels (not to mention more gas money)
Soccer Planet$160$270U2 parents pay more: annual fee and all three sessions vs. typical clubs perhaps taking care of annual fee and one session
TOTAL$1,890+$695-$760U2 costs less than half (closer to a third) of a typical club

*If you are in need of financial assistance, U2 has some scholarship programs available. Please contact Club President Tony Mancuso for more information.